
Budget Forward

Plan Your Way to Financial Prosperity

Project your budgets and spending onto your current finanacial position. Set goals such as repaying or offsetting loans, paying off credit cards and saving for future expenses.


The latest stories from Budget Forward

Privacy first!

Your data is only stored on your devices and nothing is shared for us – and no need for bank logins!

Budget Health

Our Budget Rings will show you at a glance the health of your budget over the next year.


Our powerful simulator projects your income, expenses, goals and interest for the foreseeable future to help you visualise every change in your plan.


Use any additional income towards goals. Pay off a loan or credit card, or maybe save for something to put a smile on your face.

Visualise your Budget with Budget Rings

Insightful budget rings allow you to compare your income and expenses.

Budgets can contain five different types of Budget Items allowing you to define a realistic and simulatable plan.

Discover theTimeline

Our powerful simulator can simulate the future flow of your money in your accounts.

The smooth interactive timeline allows you to see your money flow patterns and upcoming events.

The timeline reflects all future changes, including manual adjustments and interest rate changes.

Look into your future by setting Goals

Thanks to our amazing simulator, Budget Forward knows when and how much of your income can be allocated to your goals.

You can drag and drop to change priorities, temporarily deactivate goals and change their share of available funds to work out the best way to accomplish your dreams.

Changes are simulated instantly showing you the projected date to achieve your goals and whether your are within your target dates.

Duplicate your plans to do side-by-side comparisons on your iPad.

Easy to manage Spending

Balances of your main accounts can also be split into your goal and allowance accounts.

You can use the easy sliders to redistribute funds across your Pocket Accounts.


Reflect your Position with accounts that interact with each other

Interest is calculated on the fly based on account balances so you have a great idea of the potential interest you will be paid or charged.

Loans can even be offset by other accounts to keep your estimates accurate.


Collaborate with others to manage a shared plan

Budget Forward has always allowed syncing between your devices without needing anything but your own iCloud account.

With iOS 15, you can now share your plan with others allowing you to work together.